Walking thru half way tree the other day I hear police sirens blaring down the road. I look up to see two empty trucks zooming down the street, followed by two trucks filled w/ gun toting police grinning from ear to ear. Where were they heading? They were heading to the garrisons [eagerly hoping] to fill the empty trucks w/ peaceful protesters. What are they protesting you ask? Oh, they're just against the Ridunkulous list of items that will now be taxed by our governing body ...the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP). Twas some twenty years ago that the same JLP blocked roads, and protested against the then governing (PNP) to impose the same taxation.
With these new taxes will come more suffeRaTion, yes I said SuffeRaTion, for the Jamaican people. Especially the poor less fortunate ones who are struggling & hustling everyday to make ends meet. I will give you a list of the things that are now being taxed...Thanks to Danyell for sending it to me. It kinda long still, so you can read it if & when you bored @ work :) I'll shorten it a bit though...
1. [Animal feeds (excluding pet food) reinstated as zero-rated]
2. Hog wire, mesh wire and barbed wire.
3. Self propelled agricultural equipment, agricultural tractors and agricultural implements
4. Irrigation equipment and any other agricultural goods and equipment which the
Minister may approve by notice published in the Gazette.
5. Fishing apparatus, gear, boats. engines, equipment and parts therefor.
6. [Fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, plant growth regulators, nematicides,
rodenticides, veterinary preparations, and molluscides’ reinstated as zero-rated ]
7. [Insecticides for agricultural use’ reinstated as zero-rated]
(a) All drugs used primarily in the treatment of asthma;
(b) diagnostic reagents used for the testing of dextrose in the blood and glucose, protein,
ketones and pH in the urine;
(c) any of the following -
(i) topical antifungal preparations
(ii) scabicides and pedicuticides;
(iii) anthelmintics;
(iv) haemorrhoidal preparations in ointment or suppository form;
(v) analgesics and anti- inflammatory agents;
(vi) surgical gloves, including disposable, sterile and those made of latex rubber;
(vii) cough and cold preparations
(viii) antacids;
(ix) band aid;
(x) anti- histamines;
(xi) preparations for acne and eczema;
(xii) olbas oil, vaso constrictors, vaso dilators and other drugs used to loosen congestion;
(xiii) ophtalmic drops and washes;
(xiv) antiseptics and disinfectants;
(xv) simple single constituent medicines packaged in small containers used for first aid;
(xvi) rubbing alcohol;
(xvii) bay rum.
Any –
(a) medical, dental, surgical, ophthalmic or veterinary instruments or components;
(b) [‘orthopaedic appliances, surgical belts, trusses, splints and other fracture
appliances, artificial limbs, eyes, teeth and other artificial parts of the body, hearing
aids, other appliances which are worn or carried or implanted in the body to
compensate for any bodily defect or disability, canes and crutches designed for use by
the handicapped and eye glasses and contact lens used for the treatment or correction
of a defect in vision on the written prescription of an eye care
professional’ reinstated
as zero-rated.]
(c) laboratory appliances (including electromedical apparatus) and apparatus used for Xrays or radiation from radioactive substances;
(d) water quality monitoring equipment and seals and equipment used by health care
(e) parts and accessories for any of the foregoing (except in respect of items in (b)).Medical and surgical prostheses including surgical implants and ileostomy, colostomy and similar abilities designed to be worn by human beings.
5. Artificial breathing apparatus for individuals afflicted with respiratory disorder.
6. Any medical equipment approved by the Chief Medical Officer.
7. Bandages and gauze.
8. Goods which are acquired by or on behalf of a private hospital.
9. Supply of services by a private hospital.
Books, Newspapers and Education
10) brochures, pamphlets and leaflets for religious purposes and books other than
schoolbooks and booklets
(b) newspapers journals and periodicals, whether or not illustrated
(c) children's picture books and painting books;
(d) maps and hydrographic charts and similar charts of all kinds, including atlases, wall
maps and topographical plans, printed globes (terrestrial or celestial).
11. (a) Stationery and educational apparatus and equipment (including those used for
games and physical training) for use in a private educational institution.
(b) school buses which are purchased by or on behalf of a private educational institution.
(c) Goods purchased by a private educational institution.
With these new taxes will come more suffeRaTion, yes I said SuffeRaTion, for the Jamaican people. Especially the poor less fortunate ones who are struggling & hustling everyday to make ends meet. I will give you a list of the things that are now being taxed...Thanks to Danyell for sending it to me. It kinda long still, so you can read it if & when you bored @ work :) I'll shorten it a bit though...
1. [Animal feeds (excluding pet food) reinstated as zero-rated]
2. Hog wire, mesh wire and barbed wire.
3. Self propelled agricultural equipment, agricultural tractors and agricultural implements
4. Irrigation equipment and any other agricultural goods and equipment which the
Minister may approve by notice published in the Gazette.
5. Fishing apparatus, gear, boats. engines, equipment and parts therefor.
6. [Fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, plant growth regulators, nematicides,
rodenticides, veterinary preparations, and molluscides’ reinstated as zero-rated ]
7. [Insecticides for agricultural use’ reinstated as zero-rated]
(a) All drugs used primarily in the treatment of asthma;
(b) diagnostic reagents used for the testing of dextrose in the blood and glucose, protein,
ketones and pH in the urine;
(c) any of the following -
(i) topical antifungal preparations
(ii) scabicides and pedicuticides;
(iii) anthelmintics;
(iv) haemorrhoidal preparations in ointment or suppository form;
(v) analgesics and anti- inflammatory agents;
(vi) surgical gloves, including disposable, sterile and those made of latex rubber;
(vii) cough and cold preparations
(viii) antacids;
(ix) band aid;
(x) anti- histamines;
(xi) preparations for acne and eczema;
(xii) olbas oil, vaso constrictors, vaso dilators and other drugs used to loosen congestion;
(xiii) ophtalmic drops and washes;
(xiv) antiseptics and disinfectants;
(xv) simple single constituent medicines packaged in small containers used for first aid;
(xvi) rubbing alcohol;
(xvii) bay rum.
Any –
(a) medical, dental, surgical, ophthalmic or veterinary instruments or components;
(b) [‘orthopaedic appliances, surgical belts, trusses, splints and other fracture
appliances, artificial limbs, eyes, teeth and other artificial parts of the body, hearing
aids, other appliances which are worn or carried or implanted in the body to
compensate for any bodily defect or disability, canes and crutches designed for use by
the handicapped and eye glasses and contact lens used for the treatment or correction
of a defect in vision on the written prescription of an eye care
professional’ reinstated
as zero-rated.]
(c) laboratory appliances (including electromedical apparatus) and apparatus used for Xrays or radiation from radioactive substances;
(d) water quality monitoring equipment and seals and equipment used by health care
(e) parts and accessories for any of the foregoing (except in respect of items in (b)).Medical and surgical prostheses including surgical implants and ileostomy, colostomy and similar abilities designed to be worn by human beings.
5. Artificial breathing apparatus for individuals afflicted with respiratory disorder.
6. Any medical equipment approved by the Chief Medical Officer.
7. Bandages and gauze.
8. Goods which are acquired by or on behalf of a private hospital.
9. Supply of services by a private hospital.
Books, Newspapers and Education
10) brochures, pamphlets and leaflets for religious purposes and books other than
schoolbooks and booklets
(b) newspapers journals and periodicals, whether or not illustrated
(c) children's picture books and painting books;
(d) maps and hydrographic charts and similar charts of all kinds, including atlases, wall
maps and topographical plans, printed globes (terrestrial or celestial).
11. (a) Stationery and educational apparatus and equipment (including those used for
games and physical training) for use in a private educational institution.
(b) school buses which are purchased by or on behalf of a private educational institution.
(c) Goods purchased by a private educational institution.
12. Sports equipment (including clothing) specifically designed for use in the following
sports -
(a) basketball;
(b) boxing;
(c) cricket;
(d) football;
(e) hockey
(f) netball,
(g) table tennis;
(h) track and field;
(i) volley ball;
(j) dominoes;
(k) badminton;
(l) cycling;
(m) golf;
(n) lawn tennis;
(o) rugby;
(p) softball;
(q) squash;
(r) swimming.
13. Goods acquired by or on behalf of the Boy Scouts or Girl Guides Associations of
Jamaica or any other youth organization.
14. Insurance payable in respect of buses used for public passenger transport.
15. Any payment of agency fees, commissions or other similar payment to a person who
does not reside in Jamaica, in respect of arrangements made by that person for the
transportation of goods to or from Jamaica.
Energy Saving Devices
16. The following lighting equipment -
(a) compact fluorescent lamps and ballast;
(b) fluorescent tube fixtures and tubes;
(c) circular fluorescent lamps;
(d) fluorescent ballasts;
(e) high intensity discharge fixtures and bulbs.
(f) fibre glass panels for sky lighting.
17. Automated, electronic or computerized lighting control systems including occupancy
sensors and photocells for such systems.
18. Solar panel' and tubes for solar water heating systems.
19. Solar cells designed to produce electricity from the sun.
20. Apparatus or machinery designed to produce motive power, heat, light or electricity
through the utilization of renewable sources of energy, for example, sun, wind and water.
Coverings and Containers
21. Coverings and containers designed for the packaging of agricultural goods or
supplied to a manufacturer or producer .
12. Sports equipment (including clothing) specifically designed for use in the following
sports -
(a) basketball;
(b) boxing;
(c) cricket;
(d) football;
(e) hockey
(f) netball,
(g) table tennis;
(h) track and field;
(i) volley ball;
(j) dominoes;
(k) badminton;
(l) cycling;
(m) golf;
(n) lawn tennis;
(o) rugby;
(p) softball;
(q) squash;
(r) swimming.
13. Goods acquired by or on behalf of the Boy Scouts or Girl Guides Associations of
Jamaica or any other youth organization.
14. Insurance payable in respect of buses used for public passenger transport.
15. Any payment of agency fees, commissions or other similar payment to a person who
does not reside in Jamaica, in respect of arrangements made by that person for the
transportation of goods to or from Jamaica.
Energy Saving Devices
16. The following lighting equipment -
(a) compact fluorescent lamps and ballast;
(b) fluorescent tube fixtures and tubes;
(c) circular fluorescent lamps;
(d) fluorescent ballasts;
(e) high intensity discharge fixtures and bulbs.
(f) fibre glass panels for sky lighting.
17. Automated, electronic or computerized lighting control systems including occupancy
sensors and photocells for such systems.
18. Solar panel' and tubes for solar water heating systems.
19. Solar cells designed to produce electricity from the sun.
20. Apparatus or machinery designed to produce motive power, heat, light or electricity
through the utilization of renewable sources of energy, for example, sun, wind and water.
Coverings and Containers
21. Coverings and containers designed for the packaging of agricultural goods or
supplied to a manufacturer or producer .
22. Coffins.
23. Freshly squeezed fruit juices.
24. Ice
25. Marl, sand, gravel, stone and top soil (to be taxed at 12 1/2%)
26. Processed cheese packaged by a manufacturer in tins of 1 kilogram or more.
27. Margarine
28. Black pepper.
29. Instant coffee.
30. Tea.
31. Chocolate- flavoured drink mix.
32. Matches.
33. Toilet paper.
34. Oral and dental preparations including toothpaste, denture powder and denture
35. Soaps including medicated soaps.
36. Synthetic detergents.
37. Laundry bleach.
38. Floor polish.
39. Disposable protective bed pads.
40. Tomato ketchup.
41. Mosquito destroyer.
42. Insect sprays.
43. Computer Equipment
22. Coffins.
23. Freshly squeezed fruit juices.
24. Ice
25. Marl, sand, gravel, stone and top soil (to be taxed at 12 1/2%)
26. Processed cheese packaged by a manufacturer in tins of 1 kilogram or more.
27. Margarine
28. Black pepper.
29. Instant coffee.
30. Tea.
31. Chocolate- flavoured drink mix.
32. Matches.
33. Toilet paper.
34. Oral and dental preparations including toothpaste, denture powder and denture
35. Soaps including medicated soaps.
36. Synthetic detergents.
37. Laundry bleach.
38. Floor polish.
39. Disposable protective bed pads.
40. Tomato ketchup.
41. Mosquito destroyer.
42. Insect sprays.
43. Computer Equipment
44.The following operations:
(a) the installation in any building or structure of systems of heating, lighting, ventilation,
power supply, drainage, sanitation, water supply, fire protection, air conditioning,
elevators or escalators
(b) the internal cleaning of buildings and structures so far as carried out in the course of
their construction, alteration, extension, repair or restoration;
(c) painting the internal or external surface of any building or structure.
45.Transportation of goods within Jamaica.
46. Services rendered by an undertaker in relation to burial or cremation.
47.Activities for which an admission fee is charged carried out by any cultural
organization .
48. Services rendered free of charge to members of a business or professional
organization, the members of which pay a membership subscription.
49. Services rendered by a charitable corporation or charitable association or a service
club, or a home for the aged.
50. Repairs to agricultural equipment, tractors, implements, and aircraft and vessels used
in international transportation.
51. Services rendered by a registered trade union
52.Services rendered under a contract of health insurance and life assurance
53.Services rendered by an attorney-at-law in relation to criminal matters and litigation
concerning the liberty of persons.
54. Services rendered by a corporation as defined in the Registration (Strata Titles) Act in
pursuance of the powers and duties specified in that Act.
55.The provision of cold storage facilities for foodstuff.
56. Aerial spraying of agricultural crops.
57. Services rendered in relation to the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act.
58. The management of a superannuation scheme.
59. The rental or lease of land used for agricultural purposes or as a building site.
44.The following operations:
(a) the installation in any building or structure of systems of heating, lighting, ventilation,
power supply, drainage, sanitation, water supply, fire protection, air conditioning,
elevators or escalators
(b) the internal cleaning of buildings and structures so far as carried out in the course of
their construction, alteration, extension, repair or restoration;
(c) painting the internal or external surface of any building or structure.
45.Transportation of goods within Jamaica.
46. Services rendered by an undertaker in relation to burial or cremation.
47.Activities for which an admission fee is charged carried out by any cultural
organization .
48. Services rendered free of charge to members of a business or professional
organization, the members of which pay a membership subscription.
49. Services rendered by a charitable corporation or charitable association or a service
club, or a home for the aged.
50. Repairs to agricultural equipment, tractors, implements, and aircraft and vessels used
in international transportation.
51. Services rendered by a registered trade union
52.Services rendered under a contract of health insurance and life assurance
53.Services rendered by an attorney-at-law in relation to criminal matters and litigation
concerning the liberty of persons.
54. Services rendered by a corporation as defined in the Registration (Strata Titles) Act in
pursuance of the powers and duties specified in that Act.
55.The provision of cold storage facilities for foodstuff.
56. Aerial spraying of agricultural crops.
57. Services rendered in relation to the Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act.
58. The management of a superannuation scheme.
59. The rental or lease of land used for agricultural purposes or as a building site.
That's all folks! The taxation crisis had began... Thanks for coming thru. Me appreciates & me likeee :D
Photo taken by Spaceship George. You can view a fraction of his awesome work @ http://spaceshipgeorge.blogspot.com/, and you may contact him @ kabbensetts@yahoo.com. Support the people!
ReplyDeleteOMFG!!! How do they expect ppl to live? This is unbelievably ridiculous!!