29 March 2010

"You Don't Know My Story" (Campaign)

Two Sisters of mine are affiliated with this project so I'm getting involved and want you to as well Please... :)


You Don't Know My Story is a campaign geared towards recognizing self prosperity through reflection and appreciation that everyone has a life story worth telling. The campaign was originally started by the non-profit organization, Black Positive Image (BPI).

BPI focuses on reaffirming and restructuring the images and perceptions of African Americans through actively encouraging positive thinking and behavior.

In partnership with BPI, an 8th grade after school program has the opportunity of serving as a vessel in continuing this campaign. We plan to create a booklet of submissions for the young ladies involved in the character development program and also post them to a blog site created for the campaign.

Help us bring this campaign to life! All we ask is that you take the time to share your story so that young ladies and people around can learn, reflect, and grow.

Submission Details:
v Female Submissions Only
v Stories should e mailed to: knowmystory@gmail.com
v Length: 1-2 pages single spaced
v Submissions can be Anonymous
v We encourage you to invite your friends, family, and network to help keep this campaign alive.
v Understand by submitting a story you give us permission to use it for the printed booklet. However, we will still make selections based on the quantity received. Please specify if you would like to remove your submission from being posted on a blog.

Thank you in advance for helping bring this campaign alive and helping young ladies experience triumph through your lens."
Feel free to contact them or get more information below...

~JoskiDiesel on Twitter
~BlackPosimage on Twitter

18 March 2010

A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant & A Prayer @Bottletree tonight!

This would qualify as a "My Life" post. One of my favourite spots in town is hosting a benefit for an agency I volunteer for...

Writings to Stop Violence Against Women and Girls: "A MEMORY, A MONOLOGUE, A RANT AND A PRAYER.

"Sibyl Theater presents a V-Day Campaign production of "A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer," a collection of writings that address the issue of violence against women and girls from a variety of perspectives. The V-Day Campaign uses arts events to increase awareness and raise money for charities working to stop violence against women and girls. Proceeds will benefit the Rape Crisis Center and the V-Day Spotlight Cause: Women of the Congo."

Show at 7pm on Thursday & 9pm on Friday @ BottleTree. All ages welcome.
Tickets are $8. $5 student tickets at the door.
Directions HERE

Until the Violence Stops!

12 March 2010

Seeking Mr. Coke aka Duddus

Ahhh my country. It's amazing how tolerant we are of the criminals who destroy our community from the inside out. Oh that's right, it's because it comes from the top, the government, the root of all evil. PoliTricks just isn't cool, especially when it has the potential to affect everyday citizens who have not a darn thing to do with the foolishness. Oh I'm sorry, what am I rambling about? The fact that the Jamaican Government refuses to hand over Christopher "Duddus" Coke to the US; see the indictment.

Short version, Duddus [who has never touched US soil], is responsible for countless crimes in yard & farin. His dad, Lester Coke aka Jim Brown, was in the same position over 2 decades ago, but the government negated the extradition by making sure he didn't live to be escorted overseas. So basically, Duddus grew up to take over the family business, and proved to be smarter than Jim Brown... The government of Jamaica cannot release Duddus because:
  • if they do, he will sing like a bird and majority of the JLP will be under arrest.
  • if they try to kill him [like they did his father], his lawyers have incriminating documents, to be released in the event of his death. Smart guy...
The government of Jamaica's refusal to release Duddus can affect the non criminal citizens of Jamaica mainly because... Visas will be cancelled and denied. Parliament can verify, as well as cops; both presumably corrupt.

This article sheds a little more light on the matter, and here's a documentary about The Shower Posse for your enlightenment... Leave me feedback, let's talk about this! :)

The Shower Posse

Side note: Thanks to all my new followers and loyal old ones who stuck around while I was getting my life together. :) I appreciate greatly.